ant hona example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. After a variable time depending on the case (a few months, a year or more) seizures became less and cease to occur 2. From March 1973, European banks will cease their systematic interventions to maintain parity of their currencies against the dollar 3. Hellenization in the provincial style, oriental influences From the early second century, the influences of Rome and Italy on the provincial Gallic art will cease 4. Illustrated on the mode tacitiste The Policy (El Político, 1640), intellectualized formative stage of Universal Man (El Discreto, 1646), the hero gracianesque does not cease to be the same to himself in the clash of everyday life 5. In talking about words like 'ride straight "or" time interval "Einstein does not cease to be for practical things, such as rules and clocks

Given are the examples of hindi word ant hona usage in english sentences. The examples of ant hona are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cease.

(laughing) The dish ran away with the spoon! Cease laughter.

You will not use up this entire extra income but save a certain fraction, say 20 per cent, of it to build up a cushion of savings for the period when you cease to earn income, or for meeting large expenses in future.
However, if the same cooking or tea brewing was done in a restaurant where the cooked product would be sold to customers, then the same items, such as tea leaves, would cease to be final goods and would be counted as inputs to which economic value addition can take place.
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